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iHerb Beauty Haul & Review

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
With a new chapter about to start (Uni), came my last pay check from a fulltime job so I decided to spoil myself with a few purchases from, an online US shop, stocking all things health and beauty.  It was my first time using this website (hello $10 off coupon!) and I was SUPER impressed with the results, both shipping and product-wise.  Considering it usually costs an arm and a leg to get anything sent here from America, a measly $5.12 was almost unbelievable! I placed the order on the 6th Feb (after 5pm) and it was expected to arrive between the 16th-19th Feb (standard shipping), so it was a pleasant surprise to find it on my doorstep on the 13th (just in time for the weekend!)

Ok, let’s get stuck into what I ordered:
I have been a huge fan of the Real Techniques makeup brushes since trying out the ‘Your Eyes Enhanced Starter Set’ back in July, after hearing so many good things about them in the YouTube and blogging community. The only problem is, they are so bloody expensive in Australia, so I was thrilled to find them significantly cheaper on iHerb, and decided to stock up on the rest of the sets to take advantage of the ‘$10 off first time order’. 

I haven’t really had a play around with these brushes yet, but am super keen to give them a go. Plus, $38.42 for 5 good quality brushes? Such good value. 
I didn’t really know what to expect with this set. I had never used or even felt “duo-fibre” brushes before, and didn’t really know what it meant, so I was curious to try them out and my first impression is good. They are super soft to the touch and although they take a little getting used to (they don’t hold as much product as normal brushes) I think they are a great addition to my makeup collection.
I think this purchase was just a result of me getting slightly carried away with online shopping (if I don’t physically swipe my card, it doesn’t seem to hurt my bank account as much…Right?) considering I already own two of the three brushes, and don't use them daily, but hey, TREAT YO' SELF!
I have wanted to try out the cult classic 'Beauty Blender' for a while now so I picked this baby for under half the price instead! I ended up using it for the first time this morning to apply some tinted moisturizer and concealer, and was blown away with how well it works. Considering I am still fairly new to makeup, I have always used my hands to apply face products and have recently been using the 'Buffing Brush' from the 'Real Techniques-Your Base Flawless Core Collection', and can safely say that using a sponge applicator if definitely my new favourite method. It blends everything super fast, and seemed to help the products absorb into my skin without leaving streaks (which I find happens often when using a brush). I didn’t actually mean to purchase two but a spare can never hurt, right?
While browsing, I also came across some EcoTools brushes, which again, are a LOT cheaper on iHerb than at Priceline, so I grabbed 2 sets. I LOVE that these brushes 'have incredibly soft synthetic bristles, sleek bamboo handles, recycled aluminum ferrules, and are 100% cruelty free' I mean, how can you feel guilty about spending money of something that is so eco-friendly!?

These sets are great for me because I don’t really wear makeup often enough to warrant frequently washing my brushes (although I probably should anyway!), so I like to have a few brushes of each kind so I can designate a brush for each particular product and not mix colours. Adding a few cheaper (but still good quality) brushes allows me to do just that! I have been happy with the ones I have already tested out, and the 'Finishing Brush' from the Touch-Up Set, reminds me of the duo-fibre brushes.

Last but not least; 

This reminded me of my long-time wishlist item 'NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil, Dragon Girl', so I decided to give this a go as a MUCH cheaper alternative in the meantime (AU$3.95 compared to AU$34.00). I have already given this a little try and love the colour and smooth application, however the wear is definitely not anything to rave about. It had rubbed off my lips within a few hours, and was a little smudgy even after drying. But, for a little under four bucks, what can you expect?
For a comparison, I added some items to a Priceline cart to see just how much I saved, and for the 4 items I could find to match what I had purchased (Real Techniques- Sponges, Travel Essentials Kit, and Duo-Fibre kit), it totalled $131.91 (including standard shipping). For all 8 items from iHerb it was $112.29 (including standard international shipping). HOW CRAZY IS THAT!?
I honestly cannot recommend this website enough, it’s incredible! I would absolutely  order from iHerb again, and cannot wait for another excuse to whip out the mastercard, and buy some more goodies. 
-Caitie x

3 comments on "iHerb Beauty Haul & Review"
  1. Ive been wanting to try out the real techniques brushes for ages, I think that I might do it now :)
    It is so healthy to spoil yourself sometimes, especially before becoming a poor student ;)

  2. You definitely should, they are amazing! Ah, too true, a little splurge every now and then is good for you ;) x


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