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What I Got For Christmas // 2016

Saturday, January 07, 2017
I know we've already started the new year and the Christmas decorations have been packed away, but I want to upload my 'What I Got For Christmas' post so I can look back on it. I know people either love or hate kinds of these posts. Personally I love them so for those who are like me, I hope you enjoy having a nosy into my 2017 Christmas gifts.
In my immediate family, my parents always follow the gift guideline of  'something to wear, something to read, something you want and something you need'. This year my thing to read was Estee's book 'Bloom' which I have already enjoyed having a flick through.
My thing to wear was a lovely maxi dress which I wore on Christmas day (and was then in the wash when I was taking these photos). My thing to need was a portable harddrive which I was desperate for after my dad decided enough is enough and he is making me clear my 1.5TB worth of crap on the family computer. And, my thing to want was some calligraphy supplies which are so lovely. Another Christmas tradition is that we wake up to a stocking on Christmas morning filled with little goodies like deodorant and tissues and my fave shampoo and conditioner (which I completely forgot to include in the photo because it was already in my shower).
I've been trying to get  into my handwriting and calligraphy a bit more lately and you'll notice that I ended up getting spoilt with tools to help me practice. Bryce gave me this gorgeous set from Speedball which came with everything a beginner would need, as well as a pad of paper to get started.  He also gave me a beautiful necklace, an  esky, one of  those inflatable lounges, a powerbank, and a glass water bottle. A perfectly random collections of bits that I love!!
Bryce's family also spoilt me by putting together a little basket of goodies including my favourite journal.
Tiarney nailed it this year and picked out so many things that I love, I was especially in love with this 'swell' waterbottle.
I received this fabulous calligraphy set from our closest family friends and a classic Cadbury stocking which was demolished as soon as I recovered from the Christmas Day food coma.
For my family (cousins etc) we do a present swap and if you don't know what it is - look it up! It is so much fun and is pretty much an alternative to 'Secret Santa'- you buy one gift, you get one gift. I got this cute set from Lush and was also given these UE speakers as a belated birthday present from my Aunty which I was so excited about! My little sister chose this journal and pen for me because 'she wants me to see the world' and my boss gave everyone a bottle of red wine and an Italian cake, plus one of my friends from work gave me this little Christmas candle which was made by her aunty.
I was so spoilt this Christmas and had the best time eating so much food, spending time with the people I love the most and celebrating the birth of Jesus. 
Here are a few snaps from Christmas day. I woke up and we opened pressies with my immediate family and then headed to church before coming home and giving Bryce his presents once he arrives after spending the morning with his family. We all helped prepare lunch and set the table ready for my Grandpa and Grandma as well as my Uncle and Aunty with their two little boys to come over. After lunch we did presents (and my Grandparents surprised us with tickets to see Aladdin at the Capitol Theatre!) and then all hung out for a while. After that Bryce and I headed to his house for Christmas feast part 2 plus some card games which we brought down from my house. I had made his whole family personalised stockings (you may have seen a glimpse in this post and my gift guide post) and they absolutely loved them, it was so nice to see them excited about something I had spent so long on making.
We had such a lovely day.  I always feel sad when another Christmas is over!
I hope everyone reading this had a fantastic festive season and felt happy, loved and very very blessed.
Caitie xx
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